As promised from the previous post, here’s also the final product from my “Golden phase” fashion design collection. I made some sketches inspired by Gustav Klimt paintings and chose to focus on designing a scarf by using some of the most important elements such as the rectangular black shapes, colorful circle, the eye symbol etc.
Here are some ideas of how the scarf would look like :And this was the final design!
According to this I tried to imagine how it would like if it was real and bought all the fabrics, tools and accessories needed.
I used a yellow synthetic fabric for the scarf, black leather for the rectangle shapes, colorful buttons for the circles especially in black, white and green color and of course the golden strings couldn’t be missed.
For more details of the process you can check my behance account here :
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What you imagine, you create? Yes, please!
And the outfit I thought would look fine with the scarf by wearing :
* OVS leather vest
* OVS leather vest
* OXSIDE triped shirt
* ZARA black jeans
* Atmosphere shoes
* Atmosphere shoes
This is how we do!
Do you like it and would you wear it too? Write it down! 🙂
Ok. You are simply amazing! :O
can i have one???Love u ,love it
Wow! Thank you! :))
Glad to know! ^^ Thank you!
There's only one for the moment… :p But I guess you can borrow it if you at least tell me who you are! 😀 haha
i would love to with all my pleasure but i cant .I m e the sister of one of the boys u have had in high school
Why so mysterious then? ^^
Ky shalli i inspiruar nga Klimit eshte thjeshte i jashtezakonshem Kristina. Te pergezoj per artin tend. Pashe punen tende ne Behance, dhe u drejtova tek blogu pasaj.
Pershendetje nga Kosova
Shume shume faleminderit! Me behet qejfi! 🙂