Fashion & Lifestyle Music

OZORA 2024

Dear Blog,It’s been a while since I last posted, so I thought it was time to grace you with a long article about my incredible experience at Ozora Festival 2024! It felt so good to be back to this tribal gathering after 5 years! I am so glad to see it grow and evolve! So …

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Fashion & Lifestyle


It’s that time of the year again…The time when Nature starts to bloom and so do we. It’s the time when we say good bye to the Old Man Winter and open the door to the Colorful Spring Lady. I see Spring as a Woman for it is the season of rebirth and the energy …

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Fashion & Lifestyle


Hello everyone,I hope you are all enjoying this peaceful period that the month of May is giving us. To me it is like a period that slowly begins to present the summer season with all its magic. It seems to me that people are calmer, more positive, more motivated and inspired during this period as …

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Creations Fashion & Lifestyle Music

Maple Leaf

Hello there people of my blog,Once in a while I go through my archives to check my memories and throwbacks and I realized that I hadn’t posted some really nice pictures I took at Psymbosium Festival in Mount Olympus, Greece! So, I immediately selected some of them and here I am, making a new blog …

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