Fashion & Lifestyle


During the Autumnal Equinox me and Oniro Photography went in a very special place in Nature for Mabon rituals, making offerings and some magic! I am very impressed by her talent as a photographer and I’m so glad our vision synced since the beginning! You should definitely check her work out! Mabon is a pagan holiday …

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Fashion & Lifestyle


It’s that time of the year again…The time when Nature starts to bloom and so do we. It’s the time when we say good bye to the Old Man Winter and open the door to the Colorful Spring Lady. I see Spring as a Woman for it is the season of rebirth and the energy …

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Fashion & Lifestyle


Hello everyone, Today is the longest day and the shortest night of the year. This day marks the “International day of Yoga” but also the “Summer Solstice” which is celebrated in many cultures of the world. Litha is a day of inner power and brightness. Litha is when a battle between light and dark takes …

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