Fashion & Lifestyle


Hello everyone, Today is the longest day and the shortest night of the year. This day marks the “International day of Yoga” but also the “Summer Solstice” which is celebrated in many cultures of the world. Litha is a day of inner power and brightness. Litha is when a battle between light and dark takes …

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Fashion & Lifestyle


Hello everyone,I hope you are all enjoying this peaceful period that the month of May is giving us. To me it is like a period that slowly begins to present the summer season with all its magic. It seems to me that people are calmer, more positive, more motivated and inspired during this period as …

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Creations Fashion & Lifestyle


Dear everyone reading my blog,It has been a very busy period with a lot of tasks to finish and as long as I am a multitasking kind of person, I guess it will always be like this and so far I’m learning that with time it might get even worse! So I’m just learning to …

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