Fashion & Lifestyle

Near Summer

Dear Blog,It feels like now is the right moment to accomplish everything! I’m not sure if it’s the position of the stars or just the perfect weather of these days that has clearly boosted my mood! It is officially the peak of Spring in here and what is interesting is that in Albanian we call …

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Creations Fashion & Lifestyle

Genie in the Woods

Dear Blog, Say hi to the first article for this new year! Lately I have been feeling very inspired and motivated. Maybe my New Year’s Resolutions have helped me to be more grounded to achieve my goals. On the other hand, it seems like the day is finally getting longer which means that the Spring …

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Creations Fashion & Lifestyle


Dear everyone reading my blog,It has been a very busy period with a lot of tasks to finish and as long as I am a multitasking kind of person, I guess it will always be like this and so far I’m learning that with time it might get even worse! So I’m just learning to …

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Creations Fashion & Lifestyle Music

Maple Leaf

Hello there people of my blog,Once in a while I go through my archives to check my memories and throwbacks and I realized that I hadn’t posted some really nice pictures I took at Psymbosium Festival in Mount Olympus, Greece! So, I immediately selected some of them and here I am, making a new blog …

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