Cosplay Modeling


The countdown to the end of Summer has just started and I’m kind of missing Autumn! Virgo Season, is that you? Here’s the thing… every time I think of Autumn the first vision that appears in my head is October, falling leaves, pumpkins and…Halloween! Is it too early to start thinking of this year’s costume? …

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Cosplay Modeling

Dancing beneath the Moon…

Hello lovelies! How was your Halloween this year? As I was describing on the previous post, I got myself very involved on this Witchy photoshoot with two other beautiful and talented girls. I had never worn a Witch costume before for Halloween because for me, being a Witch for Halloween was just too mainstream haha. …

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Cosplay Modeling

To the Land of Make Believe…

When it comes to fairytales, ancient stories or myths and poems, I find myself totally involved. I remember falling asleep to my mother’s arms every night while she would be reading the chosen story. Later on, Mythology became one of my most favorite subjects in primary school including the Greek Gods whose stories has always …

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