Fashion & Lifestyle


Hello there,Today I feel so recharged with energy and excited to share with you the latest photoshoot I have taken these days. It seems like Spring has really come around here because it’s been so many days that the weather has only been sunny and warm and I don’t know how to describe in words …

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Cosplay Modeling

It’s the Season of Taureans

Hello dear readers and welcome to Taurus Season! The Sun visits a new zodiac sign every 30 days. During each season everyone feels the influence of the corresponding sign. Taurus season 2020 begins April 19 and ends May 20. During this period of time there will also be the Taurus New Moon on April 22 …

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Cosplay Modeling

Fire my Will

Hello dears,October finally knocked on our doors! It’s been my favorite season for a very long time! September has always felt like a month of refreshing and starting out after relaxing and getting inspired during Summertime. While October is like the cherry on the top after closing a well organized Virgo season of getting back …

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Cosplay Modeling

To the Land of Make Believe…

When it comes to fairytales, ancient stories or myths and poems, I find myself totally involved. I remember falling asleep to my mother’s arms every night while she would be reading the chosen story. Later on, Mythology became one of my most favorite subjects in primary school including the Greek Gods whose stories has always …

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