Cosplay Modeling Fashion & Lifestyle


Hello everyone! Is that time of the year…One of my favorite seasons. Most of us know it as Halloween…but this year I thought to share with the world the ancient roots of this celebration. Since one of my ways to express myself is through Photography, I thought to make a photoshoot dedicated its origin.I need …

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Cosplay Modeling


The countdown to the end of Summer has just started and I’m kind of missing Autumn! Virgo Season, is that you? Here’s the thing… every time I think of Autumn the first vision that appears in my head is October, falling leaves, pumpkins and…Halloween! Is it too early to start thinking of this year’s costume? …

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Cosplay Modeling

It’s the Season of Taureans

Hello dear readers and welcome to Taurus Season! The Sun visits a new zodiac sign every 30 days. During each season everyone feels the influence of the corresponding sign. Taurus season 2020 begins April 19 and ends May 20. During this period of time there will also be the Taurus New Moon on April 22 …

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Cosplay Modeling

Dancing beneath the Moon…

Hello lovelies! How was your Halloween this year? As I was describing on the previous post, I got myself very involved on this Witchy photoshoot with two other beautiful and talented girls. I had never worn a Witch costume before for Halloween because for me, being a Witch for Halloween was just too mainstream haha. …

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