Hello my dears,
Today I am very excited to share a new photoshoot with all of you and also my Taurean heart is exploding for the love of Spring! It is officially knocking on our doors and I am the happiest! When Nature blooms, I bloom.

As in other years, during this period, I have written about the arrival of Spring linking it to a very meaningful holiday for all Albanians, thinking of all the pagan tribes that have still preserved the traditions and beliefs. This holiday is called “Summer Day” and symbolizes the arrival of Spring and is the only pagan holiday that is still celebrated by every Albanian on every March 14th. It makes me feel very proud that we still celebrate these traditions as much as I am saddened by the fact that from all of those holidays, rituals and beliefs … there is only one that is still celebrated nowadays. I am saddened by the idea that all that worldview that is closely connected to our roots, has been lost in time. I personally have been very connected with paganism in general for years now but I would do anything to know even more about the pagan practices of my country to relate as much as possible to our past as it means a lot about who we are and what made us what we are today. But in order not to prolong, I am publishing here once again a summary of the informations I have found about this holiday as it is very important to me. Above all, it is a holiday that for many years has been celebrated only in my hometown called today “Elbasan” but in the time of Illyria was called “Skampius”. After years, this holiday took on greater proportions and today is celebrated throughout all Albania. I have always believed that the fact that I was born in this city is not accidental given the strong connection I have with the Pagan faith.

The Lunar Spring Day is a practice that also happens in other different countries that still manifest their pagan beliefs. People at that time used to make pilgrimages in the highest mountains of Albania so they could be as close as possible to their Sun God. The Fire was one of the elements which was considered a living, sacred or divine element used for rituals, sacrifices and purification. The Fire was also associated with the cult of the the Sun, the Hearth, and Fertility. So, during that day in the mountains, they would make a great fire which would be crossed by men and young people to symbolize the end of Winter. They prey to their Sun God for the goodness of the new year to come. The other Gods they used to believe were the Moon Goddess, The Sky, The Earth, The Stone, The Mountain, The Water and The Snake. Besides the ritual in the mountains, they would put flower wreaths on the doors of the houses for good luck. The oldest woman of the house would remain awake at night and would go from room to room to put down grass on the cushions of couples, young people and children which would symbolizes the regeneration. On the morning of 14 March, the elderly leave the door open as a sign of generosity and a pitcher filled with fresh water and take home a clump of green grass. The youngest fertilizes the orange and olive trees, but the smaller ones are the first to make the “lucky” visits to neighbors and relatives who give them dried figs and nuts. Finally lunch on 14 March, should be eaten outdoors in the company of friends and relatives.

These days, the ritual begins by cooking traditional sweets like “Ballakume” and “Revani” and making handcrafted bracelet of white and red strings. We keep these bracelets on our hands until we see the first pigeon specifically called “Dallëndyshe“, at that moment we take off the bracelet and put it on a flower or a tree so the pigeon can take it and build it’s nest. We still celebrate by gathering together with the family and friends, sometimes outside for a picnic in nature.

Talking about the today’s practices as I mentioned the red and white bracelet, I thought to dress in red for this photoshoot to also represent our National flag which has always been in red! I don’t really wear red in general because I think that my hair is enough but I immediately fell in love once I saw this red cardigan at www.suredesigntshirts.com – I thought maybe it’s about time I break this rule of mine. I love it’s light but warm fabric, the pointed parts on the sides, it’s hood and of course those two braids are such an adorable detail. You can order it online at www.suredesigntshirts.com and you can also use my discount code CIRCLEOFKURISU at checkout for 10% OFF your order!

Jewelry Details: The fluorescent necklace is made by me representing the symbol of Root Chakra. You can order it by sending me a message at: @circleofkurisu__art
Also check my Etsy for more creations ready to order: www.etsy.com/shop/CircleOfKurisu
The Leaf & Key charm on my dread is handmade by @foxesandravens – Order yours with the code KURISU10 for a 10% discount at www.foxesandravens.com World wide shipping!

Hope you enjoyed this article and my the Spring awaken your dreams and hopes!