Fashion & Lifestyle Music

OZORA 2024

Dear Blog,It’s been a while since I last posted, so I thought it was time to grace you with a long article about my incredible experience at Ozora Festival 2024! It felt so good to be back to this tribal gathering after 5 years! I am so glad to see it grow and evolve! So …

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Creations Fashion & Lifestyle Music

Maple Leaf

Hello there people of my blog,Once in a while I go through my archives to check my memories and throwbacks and I realized that I hadn’t posted some really nice pictures I took at Psymbosium Festival in Mount Olympus, Greece! So, I immediately selected some of them and here I am, making a new blog …

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Psymbosium Festival 2021

Dear Blog,
Here I am, back on the blog and social media after a worthy short break! I have been in vacation in different places in Greece but this time I am so happy to write an article about this amazing Psychedelic Festival which happened during the full Moon, called “Psymbosium”.

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O.Z.O.R.A – Psychedelic Tribal Gathering Festival

Hello everyone! Since we are all staying home and I can’t go out to take some pictures, I thought to dive in my archives and see through the memories. Suddenly I remembered that I never got to post on the website about my experience in “O.Z.O.R.A” Festival, a Psychedelic Tribal Gathering. I rechecked the pictures …

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