Fashion & Lifestyle

Blissed Out

Dear Blog,It’s summertime, and you know what that means – time to chill a bit and soak up the good stuff around us. During these precious months, I find it liberating to grant myself a gentle respite from the relentless pursuit of productivity and embrace the beauty of being present in the moment. I like …

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Fashion & Lifestyle


Hello everyone, Today is the longest day and the shortest night of the year. This day marks the “International day of Yoga” but also the “Summer Solstice” which is celebrated in many cultures of the world. Litha is a day of inner power and brightness. Litha is when a battle between light and dark takes …

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Fashion & Lifestyle

Silver on Black

Hello there everyone, I’ve been writing this article while I was in a beautiful mountain in Kastania, Veria, Greece. It’s an amazing place surrounded by pine trees and snow which was melting day by day. But I will probably write another article describing this experience because today I am about to show you some pictures I …

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