Cosplay Modeling Creations

“By night one way, by day another”

Dear Blog,
That time of the year has come again! It’s finally Halloween, my favorite season and it shows! Like every year, this time I came up with another photoshoot for this Spooky Season with a character that I had never even imagined myself in.

Ta-Daaa! It’s Fiona from Shrek but a little more personalized. This year I was not very clear what costume to wear on Halloween so I made a list of all the redhead characters that might suit me. Just a few days ago while looking for a movie to watch, the spooky episodes of Shrek appeared and I immediately had the idea to become Princess Fiona!

And that’s when the dilemma began as to whether I should appear in her human form or as an ogre. And sometimes when I cannot decide, I try to find the balance in between. In this case I decided to represent Fiona in both her forms. To do this, the make-up artist and eyebrow fairy Elbartistry helped me out! I adore her passion for make up and I am very happy with the result.
What do you think of it?

I have loved Shrek since it first came out when I was just a child. At that time I was amazed by the realization and the fact that it was just so funny! Now as an adult, I appreciate the movie even more for the messages it conveys. Especially for the fact that it shows that true love exists and is found in every being. I also love that Fiona and Shrek are not the perfect couple we are used to see all our lives on TV. But despite not looking “perfect”, they are adorable together and they reflect kindness and love and I think that is the most important thing in a relationship. At the end of the day, what makes you beautiful is your soul, your heart and your character rather than your appearance.

“By night one way, by day another / Thus shall be the norm / Till you receive true love’s kiss / then, take love’s true form.”

“It’s a spell! When I was a little girl, a witch cast a spell on me. Every night I become this, this horrible ugly beast! I was placed in the tower to await the day when my true love would rescue me. That’s why I have to marry Lord Farquaad before the sun sets, and he sees me… like this.”

“But how would you kiss me?”

“Only the true love’s kiss can break the spell.”

I didn’t buy any specific costume for this character. I was lucky to have a velvet dress in green that looked a little like her dress. The vest was a last minute choice to make the character closer to Shrek style. As I mentioned at the beginning, this is a personalized Fiona.

The only thing I could buy this year would be her crown but I did not find anything that could resemble hers so I used one of the crowns that I made myself with resin. It may not be the most suitable crown but when I saw it set with the whole look, it seemed the perfect choice.

The “hardest” part was finding the green ear! I did not have time to order it online so I had the idea to create it myself with paper clay. A big thank you goes to my friend Mystic Lunativa who helped me with tips on how to use this material. It could not have been more beautiful than that!

That’s it for this post! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and wish you all a Happy Halloween and Blessed Samhain to all the witches!


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