Fashion & Lifestyle

Affirmations and self Love…

Hello my dears! Long time no see I know…I have been very busy actually on my daily routine. Also this big city never lets you get bored or without doing anything new. I have tried many new things for the first time, have met the best people and shared conversations with people who know how to listen and give the best advices. I have been felt very grateful like never before in my life. I’m grateful and thankful for everything I have achieved, the people who always believed in me and stood by my side and everything I’m becoming and I do. I wake up differently, with a sense of warmth in my heart. I bow to the Sun and start my self care routine. Yes, I’m loving myself more and more and still learning to break patterns that are not meant for me.

So this Sunday morning I visited another Temple located in my neighbourhood called Phuoc Hai Pagoda, or Ngoc Hoang (the Jade Emperor) Pagoda. My sweet neighbor Thanh (the best neighbor I’ve ever had) suggested me to visit together this Temple where she goes and prays in a regular basis. She has taught me lots about Buddhism and has answered to so many questions I’ve had. She also taught me some practices and I followed here when entering the temple. Phuoc Hai Pagoda is one of the oldest pagodas of the Chinese community in Southern Vietnam built around the turn of the 20th century. It worships the Jade Emperor, Bodhisattvas and gods, showing the crystallization of the main ideas of Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. But now they follow Buddhist ideas. Different from all other Pagodas, this one didn’t have rooms to climb but all of them were beautifully arranged in one floor when you had to follow each of them from the first to the last one. We bought some candles and a bottle of oil. Candles represent the fire which in this case helps your praying to flow in higher frequencies. We used them first in the room of Health than after prayed, let the candles there. Then we went to another room which was about Love where a monk stood there and sing your name and age while pouring the oil you gave him on a vessel. It was a magic moment especially for the fact that it was also crowded with people and we were all following the same steps together. We also went to the Luck and Money room when they gave me a small red envelope to open home. It was for good luck! Now it has it’s own place on my treasures altar! There was also a very special room for Pregnancy. Couples who couldn’t give birth to a child, would pray there…and it was so wonderful, there were statues of Gods and Goddesses with children around and other people with babies. I left those rooms very energized and peaceful. Couldn’t take any picture inside for I was totally focused and dedicated on the process but the Art inside was amazing! Influenced by Chinese style, it has also been recognized as a national architectural and artistic relic. Also the garden around was full of life! There they have been raising so many turtles, also giant fish and pigeons. Old trees and lots of flowers and oh the most perfect music in the background. What can I say…it was the best way to start a Sunday. Peace of mind, high vibrations, hope and love.

How’s your December going so far? Hope you enjoyed my article!

See you soon,

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